Success in your practical driving test depends on your actions right from the start of the learning process all the way up to the actual day of the test. If you go about the process the right way then when you are waiting for the examiner in the test centre you will be imbued with quiet confidence. Here are top tips that will help you build that that feeling through your Bournemouth driving lessons, and pass your test.
Plan effectively
You need to leave yourself plenty of time to learn how to drive and not rush into your practical driving test. Most of the skills you need are developed through experience; or repetition. You should therefore allow your instructor to make the call on when you are ready. Don’t forget that failing your practical test and repeating severally will cost you more test fees, extra lessons, and perhaps even some mock test fees. Failing to plan is planning to fail
Regular lessons are important
Before you are fully ready for the practical test, you will need to have been through regular lessons. It is a rare driver that can pass a driving test in Bournemouth without lots of practice. You need at least two hours of driving each week to boost your confidence and ensure consistent progress. This time spacing will help you maximise time spent with your instructor and ensure you don’t forget what you have learnt. The average pass rate for driving tests is 42%. Your probability of success is not up to a 50-50 chance, so why increase the likelihood of failure by not taking enough lessons?
Keep tabs on your progress
Many driving schools in Bournemouth have progress logs that helps students see where they are in relation to the syllabus. Use it to your advantage by marking off your progress. Once you complete a milestone, celebrate it. If you know and celebrate your successes you will feel more motivated.
Practice regularly
If you rely on your experience with an instructor alone, your chances of success in the practical driving test will be lower than they should. The main ingredient in learning how to drive is gaining experience. Experience and confidence go hand in hand. You can only develop an expectation of driving test success through constant practice, so get your friend or relative to help. Be sure that the individual helping you is at least 21 and has had a full licence for more than 3 years. Don’t forget to confirm insurance status as well.
Take a mock driving test
Before you go for your practical test, you need to do at least one mock test under test conditions, and on a test route. Mock tests mimic what you will experience on the actual test day, and so remove some of the unexpected in the process, thereby reducing stress on the day.
Prepare from the night before the big day
Avoid having a late night before the day of the test. If there is time, go over your lessons that night to settle your nerves and put you in the right frame of mind for driving. Then relax!
Stay composed
The practical test day is no different from every other day with your instructor. The difference is in your head. Stay calm and take a few deep breaths if you feel tense. Don’t dwell on mistakes you feel you have made as they may only be minor. Don’t feel shy if you didn’t understand something. The examiner will oblige if you need them to repeat any instructions you are not sure of.
Maintain confidence
Some students make the mistake of acting judge and jury during their practical driving test. You are not the examiner. Do not draw any conclusions from their stance or facial expressions. That mistake that makes you feel you have failed could help push you closer to success if the examiner feels you acted in the appropriate manner when trying to remedy it.
Don’t forget to keep the date of your practical test under wraps. The amount of pressure you will feel increases with the number of people you tell!
For more learning to drive tips click here.